Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pregnancy: 6 weeks 2 days

For those of you who may not know, we found out this week that I am PREGNANT!!!
Estimated due date is February 28,1014!
That puts me at 6 weeks and 2 days today (Sunday)!
So far, just a few symptoms. No weight gain yet. I have had some minor breast pain and EXTREME exhaustion. I feel like I could sleep every minute of the day. I sleep for 10 hours at night, take a 2-3 hour nap and still feel tired all day. (This is more in sync with my pregnancy with Ashlynn) My nails are growing at an astronomical rate and are very strong (which is unusual for me!). My skin is horrible, breaking out everywhere (also similar to Ashlynn).  Oh, and the strongest symptom is peeing, like, ALL the time! I swear I pee 3-4 times an hour! 
I think that about covers it for now. My goal is to keep this updated every week. I will include pictures when there is something to see! Stay tuned!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Just an opinion

Maybe they are on to something...or maybe not
     A while ago I read a news article about the Duggar family. If you aren't aware of this family, they have a TLC show called "19 kids and counting". They are a very religious family with 19 kids. While browsing, I came across a few articles about "Michelle Duggar's tips for marital bliss". Most of which were subtitled with "have a barf bag handy" and "Submissive wife, happy life...unless you have self respect".  While these titles, typically, would have caused me to go into the articles already opposed to the content, I decided to do a little research into what this family believes and teaches their children. After all, I only have two kids and sometime the stress gets between me and my husband.  This man and wife have 19 children  and they have been happily married for over 20 years.! Plus, all of their children seem to be outstanding and upstanding citizens as well as Christians. So, while my husband and I will never have "19 kids and counting", maybe these people are onto something in what they believe and teach their children. Then again, maybe not.

     Their daughters are NEVER allowed to wear pants (not even to bed). Their children are taught to not even KISS a member of the opposite sex until their wedding day. They are also taught that the boys should learn for a career and the woman should learn to be wives and mothers. In addition, they are taught that birth control is unacceptable and they should have as many children as God blesses them with. 

     If you really think about it, are those things really that bad?  Is there anything wrong with young women being taught to dress modestly? Is there anything wrong with young people being taught not to give pieces of themselves, either big or small, to other people who have no meaning? Is it wrong that their children are taught that the men should be prepared to support a family and the woman should be prepared to raise one? Is it wrong that those children are being taught that the commandment to "Be fruitful and multiply" is still in full force? That life is sacred?

     One the surface, all of these things look innocent and morally correct. Under the surface is a whole other story.  I did some research into the church that the family attends and was astonished at some of the things I found. I would rather not name the church as it isn't my place to judge the church as a whole based on what I found on the internet. I chose to examine more closely the things I found on-line that I could confirm on the family website or the television show. From my point of view, this church lives as if the woman's rights movement never happened. These woman are treated like and supposed to act like property of their husbands. Their whole lives are meant to serve and up lift him while making him look good to other people.

     Earlier I mentioned that the women of this church are not permitted to wear pants at any time, day or night. They are to dress modestly ( covering their legs, down to their ankles, never showing any chest or shoulders, as well as covering their stomachs), as well as, once married, to the taste and styling of their husbands. If they buy an outfit and their husband doesn’t like it, they are to never wear it again or return it. The same is true about hair cuts, styles and colors. They are taught to wear their hair in a way that is pleasing to their husbands and if he doesn't like a new look, they are to try to return it to as close as it was before, the way he preferred it. Same is true for make-up and jewelry. Their husbands basically are their stylists, whether they like it or not.  Wearing a skirt isn't just about covering their legs though. It is a literal way of showing that the husband "wears the pants" in the family. While, as a Christian woman, I believe that the man is the head of the household, my husband and I make 99% of our decisions mutually. Neither of us would ever make a major decision without consulting the other first but that is out of mutual respect and not some notion that he is better than I am and I need his permission to do anything.  I also would NEVER take his opinion on an outfit. He has horrible taste!

     They teach their children that aren't even to kiss a member of the opposite sex until their wedding day. Both parents kept this promise until they were married.  While, I have no issue in saving your virginity until marriage, I think that saving kisses is a bit intense.  Isn't part of falling in love "seeing fireworks" the first time you kiss? What happens when you think you are in love and then  on your wedding day, you share your first kiss and it is horrible?  You just deal with it forever? I would not be willing to do that.  This rule is also intended more for woman than men.  It stops them from doing something before marriage that could make them look like a less than "perfect" wife or "embarrass" their future husbands because he wasn't their first everything.  If a girl kisses another boy before her marriage she is required to confess it to her pastor as well as her future husband. It is supposed to be shameful and embarrassing  for her. She has to seek forgiveness from her future husband for it.  Where as, if it is the boy who kisses someone before his future wife on their wedding day, he is supposed to confess to the pastor and pray for forgiveness but is under no obligation to tell his future wife about it. What a double standard that is.

     I also think the total banning of birth control is a bit extreme. Member can be excommunicated from the church if they are found to be using birth control of any sort, for any reason.  What a personal decision to have someone else make for you.  This teaching isn't "We believe conception between man and wife to be sacred and shouldn't be prevented" it actually says "You can NEVER EVER use birth control and caught doing so, we can and will kick you out of our church".  I think this is just another tactic to keep their woman "in line" and "under control".  If they are busy carrying children and raising them, that leaves little to no room for them to do anything considered inappropriate for a wife.

     While all of these principals are all basically morally correct, in my opinion, they are used in the wrong way.  In my opinion, these woman are treated with NO respect, by themselves and their husbands/future husbands, and are brain washed from birth to believe that it is perfectly okay.   They are stripped of their identities as individuals and turned into an extension of their husbands. They are robbed of their futures. Who's to say that one of those girls wasn't destined to cure cancer? Or be the first woman president? Or make some other ground breaking discovery that would change the world forever? But they were too busy being knocked up as often as possible and changing diapers to go to school. Too afraid to work outside of the home because of the shame it will place on their husband. How sad for these young girls, having a future like that to look forward to.

**Friends and family** Regardless of you opinion on this post or the content there of, please keep all comments positive and constructive.  All mean or negative comments will be deleted immediately and not responded to. If it becomes a continual problem, I will block you from being able to comment. As always, thanks for taking the time to read this! ~Stephanie

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4 years ago...

August 16th is a very special day for me.
 August 16th is a day that I will remember for the rest of my life.
August 16th is a day that I will tell my children and grandchildren about.

August 16th is the day that my sins were washed away, that my life became about someone other than myself, the day that I joined Christ's true church here on Earth.

August 16th was the day I was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
(For more info about the church, please visit

"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
-John 3:5

Christ explained several times that baptism by water was the only way to be absolved of all sins and given the chance to enter into Heaven.
 (We as a church believe that EVERYONE will have a chance to be baptized, either in this life or the next)

Normally in our church, Children are baptized at the age of 8, the age of accountability (D&C 20:71). I unfortunately didn't get a chance to make that choice so young.  I was 21 when I made the choice. I have chosen to count my blessings, I was ONLY 21...not 41...not 81...not on the other side already.  I chose while my daughter was still young and I could teach her the things that I know. I chose before the birth of my son so he will never know or see any other life style.

I KNOW that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church of Christ on the Earth.  I KNOW that through baptism into the church, I am worthy to one day stand in the presence of my Heavenly Father and my savior. I KNOW that through the power of the Priesthood and being sealed in the Temple that my family can be together forever. I KNOW that the Temple is the most sacred place on Earth, I can be no closer to my Father in Heaven than inside those walls.  I KNOW that Joseph Smith was a living Prophet, who at the age of 14 was visited by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, instructed how to organize the church, and died a martar. I KNOW that Thomas S. Monson is a living Prophet, I know that he can and does receive revelation for the well being of Heavenly Father's children.

Although, I will face much adversity in my life, from family and friends, from strangers and the advisary, but through it all I am prepared to endure to the end.  It won't be easy and at times I may be ready to give up but I know that through prayer and faith I can do anything, be anything and overcome anything.

This post has sat on here, while I waited for inspiration on how to conclude it, how to finish it so that people could feel the spirit while reading it. I know it may seem silly, since this post is so short, but hours were spent trying to get the perfect words to come out.  No matter how hard I tried, no matter how long I stared at the screen or read and reread the post, I could think of what else to say or what to change. Then it dawned on me, there were no "perfect" words, only honest words.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Blogger societies...yes they exsist...

 A few weeks ago (yes I have been holding on to this for that long!) I was looking through the "blogs of note" on my dashboard page.  If you are unfamiliar, at the top of the list of blogs you follow, there is a tab that says "blogs of note".  Blogspot selects blogs to list on here, for your enjoyment when bored.  I am not sure how they select these "blogs of note".  Are they viewed alot? random? based on the blogs each person follows? Does everyone see the same blogs on the list?  There are a million questions that I don't have the answers too, but either way, it exists.

Well, while browsing the other day I found this...

"The Society of Catholic Canadian Bloggers"

Yes, that is correct.  My curiosity peeked and I checked it out.  Basically they share bible messages based on Catholic teachings. (similar to visiting/home teaching).  I was really curious as to how many of them there could be. I mean really, yes there are a lot of Catholics in the world, there are a lot of Canadians, and there are a lot of bloggers in the world.  There may even be a lot of Canadian bloggers or catholic bloggers, but how many Canadian Catholic bloggers could there really be?

The answer???  144.

Yes, there are 144 Catholic Canadian bloggers on blogspot.  There may be more that don't know yet of this society.

Now I wonder, what is the number of people that could be classified as a "society"? You would think it would need to be a significant number to constitute a society, right???  144 hardly seems a significant number of people...that isn't a is more like a big "club".   

So, those of you that peruse the "blogs of note" from time to time, have you ever come across a strange blog? What was it about?  

I had fully planned for this post to be much more substantial and humorous....but seeing as it has been sitting in my edit pile for about 3 months, I decided it was time to just go ahead and post it!

I love you all! Thanks for reading!


We bought a...not a zoo...


It went under contract on Monday and if all goes as planned, we will close May 1st.

We are soooo excited! I can't believe we actually did it!  We bought a freakin' house!!!!

So without further are some pics!!!

 AMAZING KITCHEN! Brand new appliances and wood floors and back splash. (We added our fridge to it and converted that coat closet at the end into a pantry! not much change in here! Just a little more crowded!)

This is the guest room in the basement! (We didn't paint this room but it is now a play/guest room, with a queen size bed and a million toys! LOL!)

Our HUGE yard!!!  Kyle was so happy because he finally got his riding lawn mower! LOL!
Downstairs family room fire place. The insert actually has fans in it to circulate the hot air! Then is you lose power in the winter you can keep the house fairly evenly heated!

The whole downstairs living room!

Upstairs living room with firplace! (we painted the far wall with the window on it, a mossy green color that matches the curtains! It is a BEAUTIFUL color and I wish I could paint the whole house in it! LOL!)

Master bedroom! (We painted the far wall, the same green as the living room...just because we loved it so much!) idea why it is so small...also for some reason it is refusing to upload the photo of the dining room!!!

So, clearly I started making this post a while ago (since we did close on May 1st but we put in the offer at the beg. of April! LOL!)  We have made a LOT of changes since this and I plan on posting pictures of the improvement soon! As well as a pick of the dining room which REFUSED to upload! LOL!  I know I have been MIA for a while, with moving, Kyle going on SEVERAL TDY's and preparing for an upcoming deployment, plus the inlaw came to visit for a week, followed by my parents!  Things have been slightly crazy around here!  I will be posting a blog about everything that is going on after I finish all my half done ones! LOL! 

I love you all! Thanks for reading!

(upon proof reading, I realized there are LOTS of pics missing! Stupid blogspot...not sure why they won't post! But the dining room, both kids rooms and all 3 bathrooms are not posted :-(  I will try to post them soon!) 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why is it?

Why is it that I have a million tubes of chapstick but when lips are dry, I can't seem to find any?

Why is it that when I have a million things to do someone asks for my help, then when I have nothing to do, no one needs my help?

Why is that we drive on parkways and park on freeways?

Why is it that there are always several umbrella's in your car, until it starts pouring down rain...then they are all in the house???

Why is it that the house is freezing until bed time...then it is SUPER hot???

Why is it that no matter how many times you open the windows in your own house, you still always forget which way the dang levers go???

Friday, March 16, 2012

Been a while...

I know it has been a while.  Things have been more than a little crazy around here!!  
Between Kyle's work, Ashlynn's school, several illnesses (Yes, the dreaded strep made it's way around the family AGAIN!) 
We are also looking in to houses since we plan to buy when our lease is up in June!
The looking for a house is super fun....but the agreeing on everything, picking a bank, getting pre-approved for a loan, etc...NOT so much fun!

Well, I don't really have time to post a big blog today but hopefully this weekend I will find some time!  I have several blogs in progress to finish and hopefully I can one of those finished this weekend!